Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mommy's Day!

A day late, I know, but Happy Mother's Day to all of our friends and family who are blessed enough to be Mothers (or soon-to-be Mothers).

My mom, who I absolutely adore and model myself after, is so thoughtful and she made a very subtle hint(s) by sending me TWO Mother's Day cards. Did she receive some new information before me?! I was a bit surprised to know that I was expecting :^) Shawn and I are so excited to start a family, especially after seeing how much joy parenthood brings to our friends and family, but we know it will happen according to God's plan. My mom, however, has been chatting with God via e-mail I guess, trying to convince Him to make a little Stratton appear sooner than later. You laugh, but I'm telling you that she probably knows my cycle calendar better than I do - haha - and now I realize I am probably telling everyone much more than they want to know...or imagine. Sorry! Mommy, I love you so much!! Thanks for the very beautiful and thoughtful cards!!

Shawn and I traveled to Greenwood, SC this past weekend to visit Mom and Dad Stratton. My mother-in-law not only celebrated Mother's Day yesterday, but also her 59th birthday! We had a really nice time, dining, card playing, and baseball watching.

We unfortunately returned home to some missing plants and broken St. Maarten windchimes (after hitting random Atlanta traffic) because of the horrible storms and wind, but we were truly blessed compared to many others across the coast.

I hope everyone had a memorable weekend celebrating Motherhood

Mom, we'll be in touch about babies - LOL!


VirtualM said...

Alisha, take it at your own pace and tell your mom that Anabelle is your practice round! Before we had Frankie, I was always 'mom to Bridget' and that role suited me just fine. :)

It was when I started putting clothes on the dog that people started telling me it was time to have kids - that's when you know you're ready, I guess!

jenny said...

i totally agree with mary. seriously. we waited seven years before we had dez. i think everyone had given up on us but it worked for us and i wouldn't have done it any other way. i love the little man to pieces but i am glad jer and i had that time together before to travel and do some things we really wanted to do. but let's just put it this way, no one knows when you're ready but you.

Wallace Clan said...

and here I am in your same boat. I keep thinking geez is it ever going to happen. All these pregnant women... maybe next month we'll be prego together. Love ya and miss ya!

Jacki said...

Your mom is so funny! I love it! I just think mother's have to do something like that. I just let it go in one ear and out the other until I realized I was the one putting it in my ear. You guys will have cute babies when the time comes though!