Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baseball, baseball, and more baseball!

Spring for some people means beautiful weather, colorful flowers, green grass (unless you're in a drought), picnics at the park, pollen-filled faces...

unless you're married to Shawn Stratton!

Spring takes on a whole new meaning for me and my husband - a meaning that I have grown to love (well, sort of)...


Shawn is an incredible baseball player. I know it's typical to "boast" a little about your family, but I'm telling you, he is amazing. Why he isn't playing Major League Baseball is beyond me. We are determined to get him back into shape so that he can tryout in the future because I really want him to go after his dreams (which is something we should all do). Anyways...

Shawn co-coached the Miller Grove Varsity baseball team this year, which was a very tedious, time-consuming season. He took on a team with a losing record from the previous season (they may have won 6 or less games out of many) and helped tranform them into a strong, victorious team. Shawn and the Wolverines ended their season with 17 wins and almost made it to the playoffs. Unfortunately, they are in a very competitive district and they were a couple of wins short of tasting their first playoff game. Shawn is an incredible coach, and the players and coaches learned a lot from his experience as he did from theirs. Hopefully they will continue on this "victory" path after Shawn leaves them. Several of his players received some pretty impressive awards at the Dekalb County Baseball banquet, and Shawn has certainly grown a lot through his experiences with these young men.

Just because Shawn's high school season is over doesn't mean that baseball is over for us. We...or I should say Shawn (I'm just in the room)...have "ESPN Sportscenter" or "Baseball Tonight" continuously playing on our tv. How many times can you watch the same highlights until they get old?! Not only do I get to share in the joy of viewing baseball everyday on la tele, but Shawn also plays baseball on an Atlanta Hispanic league, so I am basically his cheerleader "to-go." But wait...there's more! Shawn and I both joined a co-ed softball league this summer (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em I guess) and we are playing in our first game this Wednesday night! I will let you know how the game went, if I am still able to think and type afterwards. Wish me luck!

While I have to admit that I'm a little baseball-ed out, it's so much fun to learn about and get involved in my husband's interests. We both have a great time and grow as a couple in tremendous ways because of the time we spend together. Now if only I can get him into shopping :^)

Despite my complaints every now and then, I must admit that baseball certainly has its perks...

...the Atlanta Braves!

Let's hope for a better season this year.

Look for us on TV because we will definitely be at many this summer!


Wallace Clan said...

Good Luck! You guys do so well in everything though I can't see you having a hard time.

I miss you girl! What have you been up to? I know you are excited that the year is almost over!

Jacki said...

Let me know if you EVER get him into shopping! I need to know your technique. It is like pulling teeth getting Brooks to shop. It happens about once a year and I eat it up like crazy!

Keep us posted on the softball league! That is so fun!!!

Annie Gedge said...

Whole crap that is so awesome about Shawn. I have been on those crappy teams and then see (after my time) how they get a good coach and the whole team turns around. I am very impressed with Shawn! At the Gedge household our past time is literature snobbery instigated by me. At least with your Baseball fetish you get exercise, mine just grows fat!!!

jenny said...

i had no idea shawn was so good at baseball. very cool. you are a great supportive wife. that is too funny about the sports on tv. i like live sporting events but the replays and commentary on tv gets tough to watch!