Friday, June 26, 2009

We're Connected!

Connected?! you say. Sad, I know, but this is the first time (as of 30 minutes ago) that Shawn and I have had Internet (wireless, at that) and a new laptop in the house since we've known each other. How do you live?! people ask. Well, quite easily, but it was simply necessary to get Internet at the house since I'll be starting my Master's Degree in Education this September. Hopefully this won't be the beginning of a very horrible addiction. Television was, so hopefully I can find self-control with the whole Internet thing. I must say that it will be nice to not have to run to the school where I work to send an e-mail.

Lots of fun happening so far this summer, so updates and pictures to come. It's been lovely catching up with everyone! Never a quiet moment...

1 comment:

Wallace Clan said...

Yay! Glad to see you're in with the 'in' crowd!